
Imagine MLS is Kentucky’s newest and most robust multiple listing service, with more than 4,000 REALTOR® subscribers from Bluegrass REALTORS® and other REALTOR® associations throughout the state.

Imagine MLS is committed to:


  • New and current technologies will be focused on enhancing coooperation among subscribers.
  • MLS compliance will be automated where possible to ensure consistent and unbiased outcomes.
  • Technology will be deployed to solve inefficiencies or pain points for participants and subscribers.


  • Implement native RESO standards across all property types.
  • Review existing data collections strategies to ensure relevant and accurate data is gathered.
  • Work with data share partners to align data fields as close to native RESO standards as possible.
  • Explore opportunities to create more accurate data with auto populating or MLS led data collection.


  • Look to expand the idea of data share and partnerships beyond Kentucky.
  • Educate brokers and agents about the importance of unified data and rule sets.
  • Explore opportunities to provide MLS services to associations accross the region.
  • Partner with MLSs around the country to enhance services for subscribers.
Rolling hills of Kentucky


Reimagining real estate data to empower our subscribers.


To be the preferred provider and protector of real estate data.


Simplified – Provide subscribers and participants with one data set and one rule set.

Innovative – Incubate new technologies and integrations that increase cooperation.

Dedicated – Provide timely support, helpful education, and unbiased compliance to facilitate an efficient marketplace.

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